“Liliana Porter’s The Task,” Frieze (August 2024)
“Elaine Cameron-Weir’s A Way of Life,” Frieze (May 2024)
“Ethan Philbrick’s Group Works,” co-authored with Zoe Roden for the Brooklyn Rail (February 2024)
“For the Long Haul: Senga Nengudi and Maren Hassinger,” co-authored with Zoe Roden for the Nasher Sculpture Center (2023)
“Chunks of Land, Art and Otherwise,” co-authored with Zoe Roden for Glasstire (2023)
“Trey Burns, Taylor Shields, and Emily Lee at All the Sudden,” co-authored with Zoe Roden for Number Inc. (2022)
curatorial projects
connective tissues: printed & published, Visual Arts Center, Austin, Texas, Jan 28 – March 12, 2022